Weapon Oil 967 is a NATO WEAPON LUBRICANT S-761, a highly penetrating, mobile liquid lubricant which combines three essential functions in a single product; cleaning, lubrication and preservation of hand held weapons, and weapon systems of both large and small caliber.
Armament Cleaner & Weapon Cleaner is a NATO ARMAMENT CLEANER, heavy duty solvents free cleaner with high-tech additives to be uses for cleaning small or large weapons and weapon systems. It is safe for use on ferrous and non-ferrous materials, plastic, lacquer paints etc. Corrosion-inhibitor provides resistance against rust build-up for 10 days after cleaning Weapon Oil application forlong rust protection is recommended.
Aircraft Cockpit Cleaner | Multi Tissue Aviations are specialy designed for switchboards / panels / cabin instruments 6 whole Cockpit cleaning of Aircrafts & Helicopters cleaning where the direct spary applications are not possible or dangerous, as well as for quick cleaning of sensitive surfaces where any drops of other materials are to wipe off. Thetissue are re-useable simply by wetting it when dried. Can be used in any precisious engineering and for computers/cars inside.
MILITARY AIRCRAFT CLEANER is a Nato Aircraft Cleaner this product is a very powerful water based exterior cleaner for aircraft and helicopters. The product is solvents/silicons free and waste water friendly. The product was developed at the request of experts engaged in the business of commercial and military aircraft maintenance.
MILITARY Aircraft Hydraulic Fluid Remover ( cleaner) is a Nato Aircraft Cleaner this product is a very powerful (AHFR) a mix-blend cleaner based on a fatty acid methylester and designed to easily remove Hydraulic Fluid.
MILITARY and Commericial Runway Cleaner is a very powerful most safe water-base runway cleaner, which is 100% biodegradeable, nonflammable - non toxic. Safe for workers and environment. The product works itself and desolved the rubber residues and other carbon-oil heavy contiminations which can be washed up with low water pressure for safe runway structure. Can be usedwater diluted 1:5 according to contamination scale.
Rust Protector & Actan 3F is a ready to use rust protection. Just one layer is enough to protect your metal from corrosion. Applied before painting, Actan 3F protects metals for a long time - up to 10 years. Product can be painted and is water based.
Rust Remover & Bioderuster, removes the Iron Oxide in to solution by a proprietary process called selective chelation. Its waste generated is typically non-hazardous and has potential use as lawn and garden fertilizer. Non Flamable-non toxic-100% environmental and users safe.Dipping back the rust free article in solution provides 2-4 weeks rust protection.Ideal usage in production process. Product can be RE-USED.
Economic Universal Cleaner is a very powerful universal cleaner that can be used for all possible cleaning and degreasing operations.
Aircraft Cleaner Gel is a very powerful water based exterior cleaner for aircraft and helicopters. The Gel version of Aircraft Cleaner is used by maintenance crews to clean the entire exterior of aircraft and helicopters. Less product and less manpower is used in comparison to conventional aircraft cleaners.
High quality polish for older (lightly discolored) aircrafts, giving thema shiny colored surface again. Aircraft Surface Polish is an unique Aircraft Polish for renewal of (light) discolored paint.
Aircraft Surface Protector gives a unique shiny protection coat for new and/or clean aircrafts. Aircraft Protector 3 gives a coat and slows down building up road film and gives you easier cleaning and a shiny surface.
Aircraft Economic Avionic | Interior Cleaner is a very powerful universal cleaner that can be used for all possible cleaning and degreasing operations.
Hangar & Floor Cleaner is a special concentrated universal cleaner for normal floors to chemical and refinery plants. It is solvent free. This product contains a special detergent which giv es an extra strong cleaning affect on grease and mineral oil pollution with light citrus fragrance.
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