Aircraft Surface Polish is a high quality polish for older (lightly discolored) aircrafts, giving thema shiny colored surface again. Aircraft Surface Polish 2 is an unique Aircraft Polish for renewal of (light) discolored paint.
Shake before use. Cleanse Aircraft and dry surface. Bring on Aircraft Surface Polish with a dampened pad or cloth using a circular action. Allow to dry*. Polish well with a dry cloth/polish machine. Now an excellent shiny protection surface appears.
*Advice: Add on Aircraft Surface Polish 2 thin, let light haze stay and add on Aircraft Surface Protector 3 thin on this, wait till light haze appears and polish well with adry polish cloth/ polish machine. Now a superior shinny suit of armour appears for a long time.
Contains patented ingredients and polish.
1 Ltr, 5 Ltr, 20 Ltr.
4 Years
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