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Productcode: # 23984M2

Heavy Duty Aluminium Cleaner


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HDAL is a liquid, inhibited, water-based alkaline cleaner designed to clean mineral oil and grease. HDAL is an ideal heavy- duty universal cleaner which can be used safely on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Existing commonly-used cleaners present the risk of material damage when strong, non-inhibited alkaline cleaners aremistakenly applied to non-ferrous parts and surfaces, for example, aluminum. HDAL contains special ingredients to ensure complete safety for non-ferrous surfaces. HDAL is formulated to eliminate blocking in nozzles and small lines in cleaning machines and high-pressure cleaning units.

Application diluting:

HDAL can be used formultiple cleaning applications and processes:
Steam Cleaning: 1:50 down to 1:100
High-pressure Cleaning: 1:50 down to 1:100
Immersion Baths: 1:20 down to 1:100
Circulating: 1:20 down to 1:100
Spray Cleaning: 1:20 down to 1:100

The selected temperature of the water may range up to 60 degrees C. The cleaning time, selected dilution and rinsing depends on the nature and thickness of the contaminant or scaling. Because of the great variation of contamination, a small scale test is normally conducted at the ETS R&D facility to determine the optimum and most economical application.

Directions for use:

General Cleaning - All materials must be thoroughly rinsed with water after cleaning.


Shelf life:

4 Years


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