Aviation | Defense | Industry | Marine | Hotel | Water


Aviation | Marine | Military | Industry | Logistic | Hotel | HACCP

Productcode: # 27482F2

Hand Wash Gel (HACCP)

Hand Wash Gel, cleans the dirtiest hands. This product is desinfecting. Just rub your hands (wet or dry) with the gel, until all the dirt is dissolved,
then rinse well with water and you have clean dry hands with a fresh fragrance.

Directions for use: The skin can be exposed to many things,but frequent contact with harmful products can be harmful.
That is why we advise the use of a mild cleaner such as lanolin, known to be as emollient product.
Your skin will remain in wonderful condition.
Packaging: 5L, 10L, 20L plastic jerry cans


Shelf life:

4 Years


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