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Productcode: # 21946R1

Flush Concentrate | Environmentally Petroleum Cleaner

FLUSH CONCENTRATE (Environmentally Petroleum Cleaner) is specially designed for "in situ" cleaning applications of mineral-oilbased residues. Flush Concentrate (Environmentally Petroleum Cleaner) is a universal, heavy duty alkaline cleaner. ETS offers a choice of many different specialized formulations for Flush Concentrate, including acid, alkaline, types as well as combinations to provide the optimum cleaning agent for the problem.


Product-side contaminants usually impair efficiency by retarding heat transfer, impeding product flow, or by contaminating the product. Processing columns and heat exchangers areexamples of types of equipment in which these contaminants develop. Fortunately, most process equipment adapts to insitu cleaning, including de-scaling operations. Using this modern method, the circulation of special cleaning solutions replaces manual scraping, brushing,abrading chipping and jetting. No dismantling is required, thus r educing turn-around time. Thechemical cleaner penetrates all surfaces, corners, crevices and hard-toreach places. FLUSH CONCENTRATE (Environmentally Petroleum Cleaner) does a better and faster cleaning job at less cost and is safer for equipment and personnel. ETS, International Turkey. has developed a group of specialized materials, which are ideal for removing typical contaminants and scales by chemical circulation. By analyzing a sample of the contaminant and scale at our R & D facilities, ETS can custom- formulate the optimum FLUSH CONCENTRATE (Environmentally Petroleum Cleaner) product for the job.ETS has a large inventory of specialized formulations, including acid , alkaline, and solvent types as well as combinations toensure optimum cleaning performance. Our capabilities include the efficient de-scaling of heat exchangers by in situ acid cleaning to de-aromatising and cleaning columns. ensure optimum cleaningper formance .Our capabilities include the efficient de-scaling of heat exchangers by in situ acid cleaning to de-aromatising and cleaning columns.


FLUSH CONCENTRATE (Environmentally Petroleum Cleaner) is a universal heavy-duty alkaline cleaner for oil residue, hydrocarbon residues, crude oils, asphalt, tar-like deposits, oil and grease and may beused to clean storage tanks, tank walls, tank wagons and trailers, vehicles, heat exchangers, pipelines, machinery, equipment, floors, etc.


Application Rinsing:

Working Time

Depending upon the type and thickness of the contamination,the general cleaning time will be between 10 and 60 minute The removal of heavy hydrocarbonresidues may require between 10 and 20 hrs. Using a sample of the contaminant, ETS will customize the optimum time required for circulation and determine the precise dilution and treatment temperature required t o achieve maximum clean and minimal cost. FLUSH CONCENTRATE (FC Environmentally Petroleum Cleaner) is also formulated to produce rapid de-emulsification for use with a water/oil separator.Aftercleaning,the cleaned item is simply rinsed with water.


20, 200, 1.000 Litres


Shelf life:

4 Years


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