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AquaSmarter is a plastic "ball" of about 4.5 cm in diameter with small openings all around, containing precisely measured amounts of pure Silver; Copper; Zinc, Palladium and Carbon as a catalyst or booster, which are blended together, extruded into thin wiring and coiled to create an Electro-Galvanic Process. (Ionization)When the AquaSmarter Ionizing Capsule is submersed in water, the minerals begin to slowly deteriorate to produce "Ionization" or positively charged sub-atomic particles. These positively charged ions which after a certain period (dependding on the application) completely permeate the water and seek out to keep under control 100% of all types of algae, bacteria and most hazardous viruses. AquaSmarter works continuously for 12 month when submersed in the water.

This means that AquaSmarter can be taken out of the water for some time and subnersed later again. The time out of the water stops the activity of AquaSmarter. Thus if you need AquaSmarter only 6 month per year it can be used for 2 years (2 times 6 month)

How does AquaSmarter Work?

The AquaSmarter technology is invented by Dr. Stephen Verdon and is based on the use of 5 materials: Copper, Silver, Palladium, Zinc and Carbon. The water to be treated passes through the specially-designed capsule that contains these 5 materials. The materials in the capsule activate and control the activity of the copper ions (Cu++) and silver ions (Ag+) in the water. This is called an Electro Galvanic process.

Several studies conducted at major universities have proven the high effectiveness of copper and silver ions. Once released into water, these cations with their active surfaces act as powerful and natural disinfecting agents. Within just fractions of a second, the positively charged copper and silver ions form electrostatic bonds with the negatively charged areas of the micro-organisms' cell membranes. This process alters the permeability of their cell walls to that effect that the nutrient intake (photosynthesis) of the micro-organisms is impaired. Once copper and silver penetrate a cell, they attack the sulphur-based amino acids in the cell proteins required by the cell for photosynthesis. As a result, photosynthesis becomes impossible, and the cell becomes inactive.

It has already been known for centuries that silver destroys bacteria and viruses, even those which are resistant to chlorine. Silver sulphate is frequently used in the antibacterial treatment of burns and open wounds and is even used to protect newborns. As is known by a variety of publications, silver ions sustainably strengthen the immune system of the human organismAs a trace element, copper plays a vital role in human metabolism.

Copper is essential to the activity of many proteins and enzymes. It promotes the formation of skin pigments and has important functions in bone metabolism and in the central nervous system. As the body is not itself capable of producing copper, it must obtain copper from nutrients (such as vegetables, wholemeal bread, nuts, oats). The maximum permissible value of copper specified by the German drinking water regulations is 2 mg/l. Thanks to the AquaSmarter technology, we provide perfect water with copper levels of 0,2 mg/l. Most of the "classical electrode based ionization equipment needs copper levels of 0,5 - 0,7 mg/l to achieve acceptable results. The electrodes are not precise, very sensitive for calcium deposits and need a lot of maintenanceThe most important advantage of copper and silver ions is however that they achieve a highly efficient steady effect in water and hence provide sustained protection by disinfecting the water without the use of any toxins over a lengthy period of time.

Even after the filter system has been switched off, this depot effect lasts for more than 2 weeks. Thus, there is no need for repetitive monitoring and readjustments requiring attendance.

The AquaSmarter technology is straightforward to operate and requires no maintenance. It has been demonstrated that copper and silver ions eliminate Cryptosporidium, E. coli, coliform, Pseudomonas and legionnella as well as many other species of bacteria and germs, including chlorine-resistant varieties.

This water disinfection technique can be used in practically all situations where lasting disinfection of bacteria, viruses and algae is required. It is already operational in thousands of swimming pools and whirlpools.

How many AquaSmarters do I need?

This question cannot be answered easily, because the number of AquaSmarters to be used depends on the application. Generally one can say that at the right level of pH and a moderate rate of micro organism in the water ONE AquaSmarter can be used for 15.000 to 20.000 per liters of water. But then again this is just a very general guideline. In Jacuzzi's for example where a high bio contamination could occur we advise to use ONE AquaSmarter per 2000 liter of water. In fish or shrimp ponds we have a good experience with ONE AquaSmarter per 10.000 liters.In situations where the water is actually used, like water companies, drinking water or fruit juice applications it is another matter.In these cases we will always advise per situation. No situation is the same as also not all processes are the same. Still the advantages of AquaSmarter are great.

What are the applications of AquaSmarter?

1. Municipal water and tap water in fact all water that needs to be purified and disinfected on any scale and where we want to avoid the use of any chemicals.

2. Water tanks In all Asian countries people use water tanks to store water, because either the pressure of the municipal water system is not high enough of the supply is regularly interrupted. The tanks - especially in the hot climate - are perfect breeding grounds for all kinds of micro - organism. AquaSmarter keep the tanks clean form micro-organism and algae for 12 month

3. Swimmingpools and Spa's In 90% Chlorine or Chlorine like products are used in swimming pools and Spa's. Apart from the fact that Chlorine is a dangerous product that can cause all kind of problems for human and animal health, Chlorine smells bad, taste not good, causes red eyes and is corrosive.AquaSmarter can fully replace the use of Chlorine in a few weeks time and keep the water in perfect condition. It even softens the water slightly, which give a pleasant feeling.

4. DrinkingwaterAquaSmarter is ideal to use in the production of drinking water and all kind of water based drinks and juices. But also can be used in all places where tanks are placed for drinking water, such as in
- Boats, caravans, private bottling etc.
- Hotels, hospitals...

5. Algae removalAquaSmarter destroys the algae and prevents the re-growth in all kind of situations, as in
- Fishpond, Aquarium, Fountains etc...
- Diesel treatment (Hydrocarbon Utilizing Micro-organisms


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